Fruits & Vegetables
We’re proud to grow our fruits and vegetables right here on our farm. From seed to the stand, the bounty that our fields, greenhouses and orchards yield is spectacular. We’re growing it just for you, so head this way! Crop timing varies based on Mother Nature. We’ve listed approximate timeframes and types of offerings here, but to track more closely, follow us on Facebook or visit us. One thing is for sure: there’s always something fresh and tasty at the stand.

In-Shell Hazelnuts

Peaches, Suncrest and Veteran — August

Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Anjou, Comice)

Blueberries — July through September

Apples (Honeycrisp+ 15 more!) August through October

Corn — mid July through October

Pickling Cucumbers — July through September

Cucumbers — July through September

Burpless Cucumbers — July through September



Lemon Cucumbers

Zucchini — July through September

Green Beans — July through October

Green Cabbage — August through October

Red Cabbage — August through October

Candy Sweet Onions — mid/late July through September

Beets — August through October

Red Onions

Bell Peppers

Hot Peppers



Cherry Tomatoes — August through September

Tomatillos — Agust through September

Broccoli — August through October

Cauliflower — August through October

Lettuce — June through October

Red Leaf Lettuce — June through October

Green Leaf Lettuce — June through October

Head Lettuce — June through October

Romaine Lettuce — June through October

Kale — July through October

Swiss Chard


Dill (Fresh) — July through September

Parsley — July through October


Egg Plant

Kolhrabi — July through October

Thistledown Sweet Onions — mid/late July through September

Cabbage — August through September

Carrots — July through September

Winter Squash (Hubbard, Sweet Meat, Acorn, Spaghetti, Butternut, Buttercup, Red Kuri)

Yams and Sweet Potatoes



Mini Pumpkins

Decorative Corn Stalks



Brussels Sprouts

Marionberries — July

Raspberries — July

Blackberries — mid July through August


Apple Cider

Strawberries — May through June


Black Caps

